Servant Leadership

David J. Roseland, Th.M.

PCBC Pastor

David and Krista Roseland came to Preston City Bible Church in 2007 after their time at Dallas Theological Seminary, where David received a ThM in Bible Exposition. They were married in 2001 and are training five young boys to fear the Lord and to make disciples.

Since 2004, David has been formally engaged in the rigorous pursuit of Bible teaching through New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew grammar, syntax, and textual criticism. David uses his understanding of the original languages for inductive Bible study, systematic theology, and apologetics. He considers his life’s calling to be the clear and detailed presentation of God’s Word for the equipping of believers for ministry.

Michael Riegel

Deacon & Treasurer

Loring Boyden


Joel Devereux


Jack Hayes


Gary Smith


Alan Snow


Rusty Minter


Brendan Arbuckle

Deacon & Chairman
What We Believe

We are an independent, fundamental Bible-teaching church. Our strong emphasis on biblical doctrine, especially the informed Christian walk by the Spirit in this age, arises from our commitment to the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible. Accordingly, we hold to the free offer of God’s grace through the Gospel message of salvation through the work of Christ on the Cross. We are traditional dispensationalists; we believe that Israel and the Church are distinct entities for whom God has related but distinct eternal purposes. We believe in the sufficiency of the Scriptures for all things pertaining to life and godliness, that Scripture is totally adequate to equip, mature, and empower the believer throughout a lifetime of Christian service. For more information, please visit us any Wednesday or Sunday!

Over 200 Years of History

Over two hundred years ago, this church officially launched as an independent congregation of believers. Established in 1815, PCBC was truly a work of God’s grace, where He brought people together in the community who had become convinced that Christians should follow the commands of scripture. Our continuing presence here today represents a testimony to the same conviction of those early Christians in Preston. God has blessed this local body of believers to stay true to the teaching of God’s Word based solely from the Bible for the purpose of sharing the Good News and making disciples throughout the nations.

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